Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Today I am Grateful

ON A DAY when a small four year old warrior lost his battle against cancer, I am grateful. 

On a day when there is usually a good chance I will let a few roars at the boys and issue the usual empty threats, today I will give hugs and smiles.

Today I will let them jump in every single puddle they meet on the way back to the car.

Today I will let whoever has the tap on full blast in the bathroom, enjoy the hand washing without stressing about the mess.

Today I won’t care about dirty faces and hands and how it will get rubbed onto school uniforms.

Today I am grateful that the seven year old went swimming this morning and his older brother will be playing football after school.

Today I am grateful that my smallest boy opted to eat only his Yorkshire pudding at dinner and two small pieces of chicken.

Today I am grateful that my house was too warm and I needed to turn down the heat.

I am grateful that my Junior Infant still wants me to walk him into his classroom each morning. 

Today I am grateful for the large pile of toy cars and wooden building blocks that litter the floor.

I am grateful for the rain.  For the roast chicken dinner in my belly.

Today I am grateful for my hale and hearty boys who run and shout and fight.  Who hug and kiss and thump and punch.  I am grateful for their noise, for the constant demands.  I am grateful for their washing, for their laughter.

Today I am grateful for life.


  1. Really nice post I had a heavy heart when I read about Gavin but I too am grateful for my girls and messy house and all the joy and love they fill it with xx

    1. I cannot imagine what that family must be feeling right now. Actually, what is still to come. I don't want to. Sometimes life sucks!

  2. Beautiful words for a very sad day x

  3. Today i am greatful..because follow your blog
